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Jupiter / JUnit 5

While Testcontainers is tightly coupled with the JUnit 4.x rule API, this module provides an API that is based on the JUnit Jupiter extension model.

The extension supports two modes:

  • containers that are restarted for every test method
  • containers that are shared between all methods of a test class

Note that Jupiter/JUnit 5 integration is packaged as a separate library JAR; see below for details.


Jupiter integration is provided by means of the @Testcontainers annotation.

The extension finds all fields that are annotated with @Container and calls their container lifecycle methods (methods on the Startable interface). Containers declared as static fields will be shared between test methods. They will be started only once before any test method is executed and stopped after the last test method has executed. Containers declared as instance fields will be started and stopped for every test method.

Note: This extension has only been tested with sequential test execution. Using it with parallel test execution is unsupported and may have unintended side effects.


class MixedLifecycleTests {

    // will be shared between test methods
    private static final MySQLContainer MY_SQL_CONTAINER = new MySQLContainer();

    // will be started before and stopped after each test method
    private PostgreSQLContainer postgresqlContainer = new PostgreSQLContainer()

    void test() {


To use the Testcontainers extension annotate your test class with @Testcontainers.

Restarted containers

To define a restarted container, define an instance field inside your test class and annotate it with the @Container annotation.

class TestcontainersNestedRestartedContainerTests {

    private final GenericContainer<?> topLevelContainer = new GenericContainer<>(JUnitJupiterTestImages.HTTPD_IMAGE)

    void top_level_container_should_be_running() {



    class NestedTestCase {

        private final GenericContainer<?> nestedContainer = new GenericContainer<>(JUnitJupiterTestImages.HTTPD_IMAGE)

        void both_containers_should_be_running() {
            // top level container is restarted for nested methods
            // nested containers are only available inside their nested class




Shared containers

Shared containers are defined as static fields in a top level test class and have to be annotated with @Container. Note that shared containers can't be declared inside nested test classes. This is because nested test classes have to be defined non-static and can't therefore have static fields.

Singleton containers

Note that the singleton container pattern is also an option when using JUnit 5.


Since this module has a dependency onto JUnit Jupiter and on Testcontainers core, which has a dependency onto JUnit 4.x, projects using this module will end up with both, JUnit Jupiter and JUnit 4.x in the test classpath.

This extension has only been tested with sequential test execution. Using it with parallel test execution is unsupported and may have unintended side effects.

Adding Testcontainers JUnit 5 support to your project dependencies

Add the following dependency to your pom.xml/build.gradle file:

testImplementation "org.testcontainers:junit-jupiter:1.20.6"