Testcontainers module for Ollama .
Ollama's usage examples
You can start an Ollama container instance from any Java application by using:
OllamaContainer ollama = new OllamaContainer("ollama/ollama:0.1.26")
Pulling the model
Testcontainers allows executing commands in the container. So, pulling the model is as simple as:
ollama.execInContainer("ollama", "pull", "all-minilm");
Create a new Image
In order to create a new image that contains the model, you can use the following code:
And use the new image along with Image name Substitution
OllamaContainer ollama = new OllamaContainer(
Adding this module to your project dependencies
Add the following dependency to your pom.xml
testImplementation "org.testcontainers:ollama:1.20.6"