InfluxDB Module
Testcontainers module for InfluxData InfluxDB.
Important note
There are breaking changes in InfluxDB 2.x. For more information refer to the main documentation. You can find more information about the official InfluxDB image on Docker Hub.
InfluxDB 2.x usage example
Running a InfluxDBContainer
as a stand-in for InfluxDB in a test:
final InfluxDBContainer<?> influxDBContainer = new InfluxDBContainer<>(
The InfluxDB instance will be setup with the following data:
Property | Default Value |
username | test-user |
password | test-password |
organization | test-org |
bucket | test-bucket |
retention | 0 (infinite) |
adminToken | - |
For more details about the InfluxDB setup, please visit the official InfluxDB documentation.
It is possible to overwrite the default property values. Create a container with InfluxDB admin token:
final InfluxDBContainer<?> influxDBContainer = new InfluxDBContainer<>(
Or create a container with custom username, password, bucket, organization, and retention time:
final InfluxDBContainer<?> influxDBContainer = new InfluxDBContainer<>(
The following code snippet shows how you can create an InfluxDB Java client:
public static InfluxDBClient createClient(final InfluxDBContainer<?> influxDBContainer) {
final InfluxDBClientOptions influxDBClientOptions = InfluxDBClientOptions
.authenticate(influxDBContainer.getUsername(), influxDBContainer.getPassword().toCharArray())
return InfluxDBClientFactory.create(influxDBClientOptions);
You can find the latest documentation about the InfluxDB 2.x Java client here.
InfluxDB 1.x usage example
Running a InfluxDBContainer
as a stand-in for InfluxDB in a test with default env variables:
final InfluxDBContainer<?> influxDBContainer = new InfluxDBContainer<>(
The InfluxDB instance will be setup with the following data:
Property | Default Value |
username | test-user |
password | test-password |
authEnabled | true |
admin | admin |
adminPassword | password |
database | - |
It is possible to overwrite the default values. For instance, creating an InfluxDB container with a custom username, password, and database name:
final InfluxDBContainer<?> influxDBContainer = new InfluxDBContainer<>(
In the following example you will find a snippet to create an InfluxDB client using the official Java client:
public static InfluxDB createInfluxDBWithUrl(final InfluxDBContainer<?> container) {
InfluxDB influxDB = InfluxDBFactory.connect(
return influxDB;
You can find the latest documentation about the InfluxDB 1.x Java client here.
Adding this module to your project dependencies
Add the following dependency to your pom.xml
testImplementation "org.testcontainers:influxdb:1.20.6"
Adding this Testcontainers library JAR will not automatically add a database driver JAR to your project. You should ensure that your project also has a suitable database driver as a dependency.